What are the delivery charges?
Delivery charges will range from 50 INR to 150 INR based on selection of delivery partner. During Festive season the delivery charges will be discounted by Free Delivery Coupon Code.
What is the estimated delivery time of order?
UrbanCraf generally procure and ship the order within 1 to 10 business days. Business days exclude public holidays and Sundays. Delivery time can be extended due to any unforeseen circumstances, or due to any situation beyond control. Estimated delivery time is dependent on the product’s availability with us.
In Stock: For items listed as “In Stock”, UrbanCraf will mention the delivery time as 1-10 business days (in areas where standard courier service is available). For other areas, We will send orders by Registered Post through the Indian Postal Service which may take 1-3 weeks depending on the location.
Available on backorder: The item is popular and has been sold out. You can however ‘book’ an order for the product and it will be shipped according to the timelines mentioned by the seller.
Temporarily Unavailable: The product is currently out of stock and is not available for purchase. The product could be in stock soon. Use the ‘Notify Me’ feature to know when it is available for purchase.
Out of Stock: Currently, the item is not available for sale. Use the ‘Notify Me’ feature to know once it is available for purchase. Permanently Discontinued: This means that the product is obsolete and/or UrbanCraf discontinue it and so the product is no longer available for orders.

UrbanCraf does not/cannot ship to my area. Why?
There are instances when the UrbanCraf cannot ship to some locations. This could be a consequence of general regulations or serviceability issues. At times UrbanCraf prefer not to ship to certain locations. This is entirely at the UrbanCraf’s discretion.

I need to return an item; how do I arrange for a pick-up?
You can Contact Us to initiate a return. You will receive a call explaining the process, once you have initiated a return. Wherever possible UrbanCraf will facilitate the pick-up of the item. In case, UrbanCraf is not able to arrange the pick-up, you can return the item through a third-party courier service. Return fees are borne by the UrbanCraf.

Does UrbanCraf deliver internationally?
Currently, UrbanCraf doesn’t deliver products internationally. But you can write us to customercare@urbancraf.com or call on +91 9836441010 so we can tell you the exact procedure to get the products based the country where UrbanCraf is already processing and operating its business.

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